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Past issues | Ekklesia online
Past Issues





January - March

no 18 - 2023/1


Believing: possible

in today's world?

April - June

no 19 - 2023/2


The Language

of Friendship

July - September

no 20 - 2023/3


Amoris laetitia - the way ahead | Ekklesia online

Amoris Laetitia

The Way Ahead

January - March

no 14 - 2022/1

Ekklesia no 15 - The challenge of continual renewal

The Challenge of

Continual Renewal

April - June

no 15 - 2022/2

Our Shared Call to Holiness - Issue 16 - Ekklesia

Our Shared call

to Holiness

July - September

no 16 - 2022/3

Ekklesia issue17.jpg

Participation, Authority,


October - December

no 17 - 2022/4


Together for our common hone | Ekklesia no 10 2021

Together for our

Common Hone

January - March

no 10 - 2021/1

Healing our fragility | Ekklesia no 11 2021


Our Fragility

April - June

no 11 - 2021/2

The real and the virtual | Ekklesia no 12 2021

The Real and

The Virtual

July - December

no 12 - 2021/3

Building a synodal Church | Ekklesia no 13 2021

Building a

Synodal Church

October - December

no 13 - 2021/4


Facing the wounds | Ekklesia no 6 2020

Facing the


January - March

no 6 - 2020/1

Sharing the Gospel today | Ekklesia no 7 2020

Sharing the

Gospel Today

April - June

no 7 - 2020/2

The Church among the people | Ekklesia no 8-9 2020

The Church among

the People

July - December

no 8/9 - 2020/3-4


Towards a mysticism of the we | Ekklesia no 2 2019

Towards a Mysticism

of the 'We'

January - March

no 2 - 2019/1

The courage of fraternity | Ekklesia no 3 2019

The courage

of Fraternity

April - June

no 3 - 2019/2

A people journeying together | Ekklesia no 4 2019

A people

Journeying Together

July - September

no 4 - 2019/3

Journeying with young people towards Christ | Ekklesia no 5 2019

Journeying with young people

October - December

no 5 - 2019/4


The Church and the Spirit | Ekklesia no 1 2018

The Church

and the Spirit

October - December

no 1 - 2018/1

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